
A hangover is described as a collection of painful or
uncomfortable symptoms which are a result of drinking alcohol.

What is a hangover?

A hangover is described as a collection of painful or uncomfortable symptoms which are a result of drinking alcohol.

These symptoms might include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Feeling sick
  • Headache
  • Aching muscles
  • Feeling tired
  • Thirsty
  • Dizzy and unco-ordinated
  • Sensitive to light

Everyone is effected by alcohol in different ways and there is no set amount of alcohol that will lead to you having a hangover. Your symptoms might also be different to your mates even if you drank the same drinks over the same period of time.

Why do I get a hangover after drinking alcohol?

Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it takes all the water from your body (dehydrates). Alcohol also has toxic effects. These two things are what causes a hangover.

What can I do to reduce my hangover?

If you did nothing to reduce your hangover, the symptoms will go away on their own within 8 to 24 hours, this will however depend on how much you have had to drink, as well as some other physical factors, like your body weight, how hydrated your were before you started drinking etc.

Your body takes about 60 to 90 minutes to process 1 unit of alcohol (check out the unit page for more information on what a unit is).

You could try to think about stopping drinking alcohol earlier in the session, so the process can begin earlier, that way you will have longer to process the alcohol and will probably wake up in the morning much fresher!

The best way to reduce a hangover is to not have one in the first place- so not drinking at all.

If you decide to drink, try to be sensible and within your limits. You could also try not having an alcoholic drink on an empty stomach, food can slow down the alcohol being absorbed in your bloodstream.

You can still get drunk though! Drink plenty of water or a non-alcoholic drink before during and after drinking.

Fizzy drinks are not such a good option as they can speed up the absorption of alcohol in your blood stream.