
How much do you know about alcohol and its effects? Try the quiz to find out.


How much to you know about Alcohol? Read the question and click on the answer to reveal if your correct…..

1. What is the NHS definition of Binge Drinking?
2. One unit of alcohol is equivalent to…
3. Alcohol is…
4. How many people by the age of 15 will have tried alcohol on average?
5. As a young person, drinking too much alcohol can lead to….
6. Which of these is an effect of alcohol on your body?
7. 1 in 3 adults is at risk of alcohol-related liver disease.
8. Approximately how many calories are in a pint of cider?
9. How old do you need to be to buy alcohol?
10. What is the earlier age parents are legally allowed to give alcohol to their children?
11. Nearly a third (29%) of alcohol related deaths are a result of alcohol-related accidents. These deaths are more common among 16–34-year-olds.
12. In a recent survey, a third of 16-22 year olds said they have had unprotected sex when drunk. (Youthnet 2009)
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